2019/12/17 (TUE)

第3回 社会学部国際交流コロキウムのご案内


第3回 社会学部国際交流コロキウムのご案内

場所:立教大学池袋キャンパス 12 号館3 階 社会調査室(B343 号室)


内容: Transformation of Media and Journalism Education: A case of South Korea

Professor KANG, Myung Koo
Seoul National University, Korea

The purpose of this study is to examine the reform of media education in the context of digital disruption. Looking back the historical trajectory of seventy-year media and journalism education, this study attempts to illuminate the scope and the ways in which the media educator re-formulate the changing nature of teaching and learning in the coming age of digital disruption. Three proposals for the media education reform in near future. First, the integration of the separation of theory and production education into the education of practical knowledge. Such an integrated approach is valid even in the hierarchical arranges of university along the line of SAT score in South Korea. Second, the need to reset the philosophical epistemology of the relationship between machines and humans in the post-human era, and the introduction of an educational framework called 'thematic module of the program unit' for cooperation with various disciplines from the perspective of media education reform. Third, an 'work-based education' as an alternative to cope with the rapid increase of precarious labor market in digital media industry.

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